I received this gorgeous pouch from Anne in the same terrace exchange. I couldn't believe how lovely this is and the contents too! The designs is Bent Creek's Spring Row and it looked really familiar somehow. ;D I actually sold this design for Anne a while ago. :D

Kirjeessä (jonka olen lukenut jo monta kertaa) Anne kertoo kuinka hän kuvitteli minut istumaan pariisilaisen asunnon terassille. Ja niin hyvin oli kirje kirjoitettu, että aivan hyvin pystyin kuvittelemaan itseni sinne. Näitä muita ihanuuksia sitten pussukasta löytyi: Annen kutoma Lacy Baktus -huivi, Bonheur-muki, Tivoli-lankaa, Pomme de Pinin lankaa, Dammembergin suklaata (gluteenitonta, tietysti), kaakaota ja Jardin Privén malli.
Kiitokset, ihana ystäväni, aivan mahtava vaihto! Oupsin vaihdot ovat parhaita! :)
Anne tells in her letter that she imagined me in flat in Paris, sitting at terrace with a cup of hot chocolate. The letter was so great that I have read it several times and I honestly can see myself there. :) And look what else was in the pouch: Lacy Baktus scarf (knitted by Anne), Bonheur mug, Tivoli yarn, Pomme de Pin thread, Dammemberg chocolate (gluten free, of course), hot chocolate and Jardin Privés design.
Thank you so much my dear friend, I love this exchange! :)